We call it “The Golden Rule +1”. A simple way to measure our deeds against our aspirations of being the best senior care company in the industry. We strive to provide the same service for your family as we would provide for our own. At the same time, we’re constantly looking for ways to enrich the lives of our seniors and our caregivers.

Some elder care companies may strive to be the cheapest. In the end, we all know that you get what you pay for. We intend to be an exceptional value while providing the very best service possible. It starts with choosing the right people and then training them well. Once in place, a successful engagement is all about communication between the client and family, the caregiver and the Monarch home offices.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you... and then do one better.

Today’s fast-paced world has changed the way we communicate with each other. We have the phone, email, the web, text messaging and so on. In some cases, however, our elder family members may have fallen behind the times and may not have access to or the capacity to engage in such communication.

Enter Monarch Mail. Unique to Monarch Senior Care, it’s the bridge that connects the world of modern email to the elders in your family without email access. It couldn’t be simpler. Once you’ve become a client, inform the office that you’d like to participate in Monarch Mail. You will be given a special email address to share with others. When mail is received at this address, we print it at our office and send it off to you. Now your loved ones can send you the quick ‘Thinking of You’ messages or even a Birthday eCard!

The basic package is FREE to all our clients. Its just another way Monarch makes a difference. Ask your Case Manager today.

(Restrictions apply. Consult your Case Manager for details)

Monarch Mail ! Email delivered to your home.

For the US population as a whole, 50 million have arthritis.

Be sure and ask about our special veteran and referral programs when you call!

Call us any time (888) 672-7060
